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The misunderstandings for small pump trucks

2018-07-23 17:55:05

There are some misunderstandings about the use and maintenance of the small concrete pump truck. It seems that the ordinary small action may cause the damage of the concrete boom pump truck, and we will share some misunderstandings in the maintenance of the pump truck.

1. Dismantling the engine thermostat blindly

If the blind demolition is due to the high temperature thermostat, the coolant can only be large cycle, and the cooling strength can not be adjusted. It is difficult to ensure that the engine works at the appropriate temperature. Instead, the engine is often working at low temperature, which leads to the loss of engine power, wear and fuel consumption. If the engine thermostat fails to repair or replace, the engine temperature is high, the other parts of the cooling system should be maintained, not the thermostat.

small concrete pump truck

2. The temperature of the engine is high

Some people think that the temperature of the engine is high. In fact, low temperature is harmful to the engine. The use of vehicles should be limited at normal temperatures to ensure engine life.

3. The pump fan belt tightened

It’s not better to take it tight. The tight belt will not only extend or destroy it, shorten the service life of the belt, but also because the pressure is too large, which leads to the bending deformation of the generator shaft, the shaft of the pump and the early damage of the bearing. Loose fan belt for placing boom concrete pump engine should meet the technical requirements, and the normal belt assembly deviation for 10 to 15 mm is appropriate.

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