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How Much Does Concrete Pump Truck Cost

2023-06-08 14:45:58

Concrete pump trucks are very common in large construction sites. Concrete pump trucks are machines that use pressure to continuously transport concrete along pipelines. Do you know how much does concrete pump truck cost? How to choose a concrete pump truck? Let's take a look together.


Concrete pump trucks can only be used to transport concrete, and the prices of large and small are different. How much does concrete pump truck cost is also related to the model, pumping capacity, brand and the length of the boom. The price of a general concrete pump truck is around 150,000 dollars.

how much does concrete pump truck cost


The choice of concrete pump truck depends not only on how much does concrete pump truck cost, but also on the flexibility of maneuvering, whether it is stable and reliable, whether it discharges continuously, whether it is durable, and also considers the issues of intelligence and convenience. Let’s take a look at it slowly below, the secret is here:

1. Users can understand the quality of the company's concrete pump trucks by consulting certification certificates, type test reports, special vehicle compulsory inspection project test reports, motor vehicle catalog numbers, and quality system certification before purchasing.

2. The selection of the concrete pump truck should be comprehensively considered according to the concrete engineering object, characteristics, required maximum conveying distance, concrete construction plan, concrete pump form and specific conditions.

3. The performance of the concrete pump truck changes randomly. When choosing a model, not only the amount of concrete pouring but also the building type and structure, construction technical requirements, site conditions and environment should be considered. The main performance parameters of the concrete pump truck usually selected should be consistent with or slightly larger than the construction requirements. If the capacity is too large and the utilization rate is low, the capacity is too small to not only fail to meet the requirements but also accelerate the loss of concrete pump trucks.

4. The concrete pump truck is flexible. The higher the boom height, the greater the pouring height and distribution radius, the stronger the construction adaptability. Concrete pump trucks with high booms should be used as much as possible during construction. Concrete pump trucks with a boom length of 28-36m are the products with the largest volume and widest range on the market, accounting for about 75%. Long-arm concrete pump trucks will become the main form of building construction. In addition, some concrete pump trucks are limited by the carrying capacity of the chassis of the car. When the boom height exceeds 42m, how much does concrete pump truck cost will increase greatly and it is rarely selected due to the space limitation of the construction site.

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